September 29, 2020 5:48 pmSucralose
Sucralose is a zero-calorie, artificial intense sweetener. It is about 600 times as sweet as sucrose and 3.3 times sweeter than aspartame. Sucralose is stable under heat and over a broad range of PH conditions. Consequently, it can be used in baking and cooking or in products that require a long shelf life. Sucralose-based products are commercially successful due to their taste, stability and safety.
Rice milk powder
Rice milk powder is an excellent option for food allergies, because it is free of dairy products, soy and gluten. This tasty, low-fat, non-dairy product can be used in beverages, cereals and sauces.
Stevia is another intense, calorie-free sweetener that tastes 300 times sweeter than sugar. Considered to be a natural sweetener since it is extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant, stevia does not affect blood sugar levels and can be used freely by diabetic and hypoglycemic patients. For people with blood sugar, blood pressure or weight problems, stevia is the most desirable sweetener and is considered to be the sweetener of the future. Stevia does not deteriorate under the effects of heat, which makes it an excellent sweetener for baking and cooking.
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This post was written by Rob Bruce